Sunday, 8 December 2013


Being given the next task to contact this person we admire, I found it difficult to think of a way to contact my father and wanting to get the specific information I needed and wanted to find out.

After realising that if i wanted to find out specific information about my father. I needed to figure out different ways of asking him the questions. I started to experiment with different ways to contact him.

1) Producing a questionnaire and mailing it to him.

2) Letter without my name on it

3) Ask a friend to ask specific questions instead of me.

All these ways of contacting him include no face to face contact. To get the right information, and to make sure all the information he gives is genuine, I decided that it would be best getting rid of the face to face contact and keeping it to a less personal level.

As we are very close and have a laugh about most things, it will be difficult to get serious answers out of my father, so I decided to look at it with a less personal look.

Therefore the best ways will be to keep the answers more genuine is to reduce the contact between us.

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Someone that Inspires Me

inspiration |ɪnspɪˈreɪʃ(ə)n|nounmass noun ] the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to dosomething creative: Helen had one of her flashes of inspiration | the Malvern Hills have provided inspiration for many artists.• the quality of being inspired: a rare moment of inspiration in an otherwise dull display.• count noun ] a person or thing that inspires: he is an inspiration to everyone.• divine influence, especially that supposed to have led to the writing of the Bible.a sudden brilliant or timely idea: then I had an inspiration.mass noun ] the drawing in of breath; inhalation.ORIGIN Middle English (in the sense divine guidance): via Old French from late Latin inspiratio(n-), from the verb inspirare (see inspire.My father is a person that doesn't give up. He will take challenges as they come and never fails to put 100% effort into completing them. He is hard working, confident, and manages to look on the bright side. One way in which I find him inspirational, is his motivation. He has been run over on his bike twice whilst going to work and riding for socially, and he still finds motivation to keep smiling, and carry on cycling to the day. He keeps smiling and happy whilst looking after me and my brother, and manages to make us laugh and happy everyday. "a quality of being  inspired" this definition makes me think how I actually get inspired by him, He manages to inspire me as he is always managing to make me happy. This inspires me to one day inspire someone else, and be used as inspiration. Whether that would be lots of people, or even just one person. That is my inspiration, to then go forward and help someone else. I believe choosing an artist or a piece of art to inspire someone is quite difficult, as you have no personal experience with is, its just other peoples opinion and point of message, choosing a physical person that you know, and spend time with, allows you to create your own identity for them, look further into them and actually get a bond with them.

This is why my father is the most inspirational person in my life.